The Nanophotonic Materials & Devices Group at McMaster University
SEM image and model of a TiO2 waveguide
We develop new photonic materials and devices for integrated nano- and microsystems on silicon chips. We envision silicon as the optical bench top of the future: our research will enable us to replace complex, bulky and expensive photonic systems with tiny, mass-producible and energy-efficient microsystems on a chip. We are developing new nanophotonic devices for applications including high speed data communications, high precision measurements, biological sensing and environmental monitoring.
We carry out hands on experimental research using the nanofabrication facilities and photonic characterization equipment in the Centre for Emerging Device Technologies and McMaster Engineering Physics Department. We are always looking for motivated and highly qualified students to join our team. We also collaborate with local companies and are actively seeking new partnerships which will benefit Canadian industry. Please contact Dr. Bradley if you are interested in more information.